Question by Keren: USC School of Cinematic Arts HELP!!!?
Okay, so I’m a freshmen in high school and I am interested in two things: Film editing (like videos and what not) and USC School of Cinematic Arts. I know right? BIG goals. But I’m the kind of person who doesn’t like to give up on goals, only make them. Any who… I know that USC is a hard school to get into but I am up for the challenge. I just am lacking a few things…. What do they look for in students? If you’re taking classes on film, do you still have to take general education courses? What type of classes should I take in high school to get on the right track? What about careers? What types give you the best experience in film? Maybe even television but I do not really like it as much. Seems like so much pressure with getting things finished on time. Whoa sorry, bird walk. So any help is VERY appreciated!!!!! Thanks again!!!! (:
Best answer:
Answer by comp22454
Generally, regardless of the major in the university, two things are always important. GPA & SAT.
1) What do they look for in students?
They look for good work ethics. You need to take difficult classes and show that you can handle them, regardless of the subject. Take as many AP classes as you can handle and get good grades.
They also look for a variety of extracurricular activities as well as leadership roles. Be involved in as many clubs/programs and try to have some positions at them (secretary/vp/p, etc).
2) If you’re taking classes on film, do you still have to take general education courses?
Yes, even art majors have to do general education. However, this is tailored to the university you attend, as well as the specific program/major you are in.
3) What type of classes should I take in high school to get on the right track? What about careers? What types give you the best experience in film?
Take difficult classes irregardless of the subject to show that you can do anything. USC is not just an art school, and most likely, you will be judged with other applicant pools and not just cinematic art majors. I would advise to take some classes in film at a local community college that offers them.
Good luck, and the best resource comes from many people, so I would advise getting more opinions from currently enrolled film majors, as well as those who graduated with a degree in film (and if they are in USC, the better).
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