Question by Krissy: using 35mm vs Digital camera?
So I’ll be starting Photography at school next semester, and I know that pretty much my entire Photo 1 class is going to be film, which I have never used before. I’ve always used digital just because that’s what I’ve grown up with. But I got like 50 roles of film for Chrismass this year, and i figured i would put some to use over the rest of break, and just experiment a little with it. So I’m looking for some pros and cons to using 35mm vs digital? Are their any advantages to using it vs using digital? I’ll also be using my dads camera [with different lenses and stuff] which is a little more complex then anything I’ve used before, as the only camera I’ve ever had was a point-in-shoot. Is there anything I should watch out for or keep in mind while using it?
Best answer:
Answer by Mere Mortal
The biggest advantage to a 35mm film camera is that you end up with a real, hold in your hand negative. That’s nifty.
Digital otherwise rivals 35mm in almost all ways.
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