bicycle on a dreary morning in Amsterdam. He shot him calmly in the stomach, and after the victim had staggered to the other side of the street, shot him several more times, pulled out a curved machete, and cut his throat. Leaving the machete planted firmly in Van Gogh’s chest, he then pulled out a smaller knife from a bag, scribbled something on a piece of paper, folded the letter neatly and pinned it to the body with this second knife” (Buruma 2007 p2).
Van Gogh was a short fat man with blond curls. Most people in Holland who watch TV and read the papers knew him less for his films but for his provocative statements on radio, television and Internet columns. Bouyeri gave his victim a few hard kicks and walked away without a hurry as if he had done nothing wrong, with no attempt to escape he reloaded his gun, Bouyeri then walked into a nearby car park and shot at