is an activity of enjoyment and fun to these gangs and they find it a challenge to defy taboos. All that matters to the gang is that it gets a good ‘laugh’ (Cohen 1955 p27).
“The delinquent subculture takes its norms from the larger culture but turns them upside down. The delinquent’s conduct is right, by the standards of his subculture, precisely because it is wrong by the norms of the larger culture.
“Another characteristic of the subculture of the delinquent is short run hedonism; there is little interest in long run goals, in planning activities and budgeting time, or in activities involving knowledge and skills to be acquired only through practice, deliberation and study, the members of the gang typically congregate with no specific activity in mind, at some street corner, candy store or other regular rendezvous. Furthermore short run hedonism is