Be a part of the project: universitylipdub.com University Lipdub from the University of Wisconsin – River Falls Directed and Produced by: Darrell Davey, Brandon Kesler, Andy Murphy, & Ben Vinar Cinematography by: Bill Hager and Keith Cremin Music & Lyrics: The Impression That I Get by The Mighty Mighty Bosstones Over 50 Students, Faculty, and Staff (and one horse) came together in March 2010 to create our own version of University Lipdub here at the University of Wisconsin River Falls (UWRF). From the very beginning our number one objective, other than to have fun, was to make our video filled with as much UWRF school spirit as possible. We chose our beautiful University Center, which opened in January 2007, as our venue to film, and we are incredibly grateful for all of the help and assistance the building staff provided us. From January to March 2010 the four directors/producers and our 2 advisors met once a week for six weeks to plan out our video and come up with our plan. We had a three hour rehearsal with all of our participants on March 9th, 2010, and we filmed at least seven takes in two hours the following night, March 10th, 2010. What you see here is our very last take. The directors/producers of this project would like to thank everyone involved in making our dream a reality. We at UWRF are tremendously proud of our University, and our Lipdub, and we hope thats The Impression That You Get. Special Thanks to: Erik Johnson; Karen Edlebeck & Ashley Olson; Nick …