Question by Elizabeth: Want to be a film editor, what’s next?
Ok I posted this but deleted it because I got a lot of stupid, sarcastic and rude answers so I won’t appreciate it if I get such answers again as I am very angry right now about it. I expect some considerate and matured answers and if you cannot do that, do not answer. So let’s start over, shall we?
Ok I started college but didn’t finish. It’s been five years since I been to college and I never took any film classes or anything related because I never thought of being serious about it even though it’s been my dream. Now I want to try and pursue a film editing career but didn’t begin to take those kind of classes. I did however take journalism in class and did script writing for my campus TV station but I’m not interested in writing! I’ve only made videos on myself when blogging but I want more to do. I don’t have a camera, just a webcam attached to my computers so I need videos to work with. So what is the next step I should take now? Finish college? Take some kind of classes? I only want to go to a 2 year college due to different reasons and I checked my local community college and they don’t have any film classes. A 4 year college where I am may not have flexible hours or managable academic schoolwork. Now what?
Best answer:
Answer by RoaringMice
Where are you located? If your local community college doesn’t offer a specific film program, do they offer theater? Sometimes the theater programs offer enough classes in film and tv that you can get what you need.
If not your local CC, are there other, two year schools nearby that do offer this major?
Or are you willing to relocate? Because in the film and tv areas of the US (NY, NJ, FL, CA), there are two year programs in film, even at the community college level.
If all this is impossible, then you can actually get a production assistant job in film or tv (that tends to be the entry-level job in this field) even without a film-related degree. You’d want to major in something somewhat related – such as business or English. And then apply and see where you get.
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