Question by eugenethelamb: Was the school right in not allowing this to be shown?
For my Media Studies class, my and two friends made the following video. It took as quite a long time to film, edit and all that good stuff.
We received top marks for it, and were looking forward to it being shown to our friends, family and the entire community at the Film Awards night.
But the principal pulled the video, saying it was too inappropriate to show the younger students. You may think I’m being vain by the film not being shown, but the people who make video that wins best picture get a weeks free training at a Television production company.
Personally, I don’t think it’s that bad, but I may be bias.
Would you feel comfortable showing this to your 13 year old son/daughter/brother/sister?
So yeah, warning about drug references and all that
Best answer:
Answer by Lisa C
I think it should have been shown, but the age limit for a crowd should be sixteen and over. And they should have student IDS to prove that the child is 16 and over. And the child should be mature enough to handle such content. It is somewhat inappropriate and my child would not watch it, until I feel he or she is mature enough to do so.
What do you think? Answer below!