Type: Documentary Rating: NR Running Time: 60 Minutes Starring: Directed by: Peter Tetteroo, Raymond Feddema PLOT DESCRIPTION The winner of the 2001 International Emmy award for Best Documentary, Welcome to North Korea is a grotesquely surreal look at the all-too-real conditions in modern-day North Korea. Dutch filmmaker Peter Tetteroo and his associate Raymond Feddema spent a week in and around the North Korean capital of Pyongyang — ample time to produce this outstanding film. Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs; from www.archive.org.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
james-wallace.com Click on the link to learn about street fighting techniques! —– A short documentary on the One Inch Punch. Interviews with Jeet Kune Do and Wing Chun instructors. Discover more on what Bruce Lee demonstrated years ago. Shot and edited by Victor Tran. Contact me through youtube messages if you have any questions regarding this video.
Video Rating: 4 / 5