Question by Shay Shay: What are some good film colleges or universities?
First let me tell you some personal background. I live in Colorado, I am financially capable of getting into a good college, I have a 3.7 GPA(I was in the International Baccalaureate Program for my freshman and half of my sophomore year, but maintained a 2.7 GPA), and I am willing to transfer after my undergraduate years. I know that I will accomplish great things, and I am very passionate and determined with achieving my goals. I’m a junior in high school and I’m interested in acting and film production(directing). Right now I am taking drama and multimedia, what other classes should I take my senior year? What are some good colleges or universities for acting, directing or producing?
Best answer:
Answer by gossip_palms
Are the top ones. NYU is also good for film acting. I would take as much classes that have to do with your major as possible. Good Luck!
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