Question by snoodledoodle37: What are some interesting topics having to do with Film Directing/Making that I could write a paper about?
I have to write a 5-10 page paper on any topic I want. I want to do it on something I’m interested in (so it will be easier and faster to write) but it’s for my Honors English class so it has to be reasonable. For example, I couldnt write a paper on chocolate ice cream lol. I want to be a film director when I get older but I don’t know a topic that I could write on that has to do with that. The paper is kind of like a research paper and its not opinionated. It has to be in a formal tone. I have to come up with a question and then answer that question through my paper. Any ideas? Thanks 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Savannah
Write a story about the rise of YouTube 😀
Shane Dawson
all of those focus on film making
there are now YouTube awards (called Streamys)
And just talk about the history of YouTube and its changes and how the “Youtube Celebrities” have taken short films to a new level using YouTube
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