Question by Raging Hillbilly: What are the pros and cons of a Masters program in Film or Photography?
I have a BA in Television Production/Journalism but have been wanting to go to graduate school. I love documentary filmmmaking.
But part of me is of the school that “film school” really isn’t a total necessity. The money I’d spend on it could just as easily be used to just go out and make my own movie!
However, I also realize that film school would be a great experience and tons of connections would be made in film school, which can help in the future.
Anyone have any experience with this or something similar? Thanks in advance.
Best answer:
Answer by dirty_jerzee99
I am in the same boat. I have my Bachelors in Graphic design, and am currently in the industry. I would LOVE to get my MFA, but it would only be good to teach or hopefully get into a director’s chair. What you should ask yourself is what would you get from a masters minus the degree / paper itself. Connections? Why not join a local photographers club. Experience? Aren’t you getting that in a job already?
My opinion is this. Find out if you really need it. I would recommend you creating your own documentary. Do the research and everything on your own and see what comes out. If you like it, put it in your demo reel / portfolio and keep making more until you’ve perfected it. If you think it’s complete garbage and find yourself lost too many times, then maybe you need the masters as experience to get you up to where you are. The nice thing in the design field is that portfolio is 85% of what you need. You don’t have to go to fancy schools and pay the big bucks. Sure it helps you learn in the beginning, but if you got the talent and the drive you can overcome it. I have seen some of the best illustrators come out of state colleges.
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