Question by bengy: What are the unethical issues behaviors actions in the documentary film, Food Inc.?
What are the unethical issues behaviors actions in the documentary film directed by Robert Kenner, Food Inc.?
One unethical issue is the abuse and treatment of animals. Another is how consumers don’t know what’s done with our food.
What are some unethical behavior you found besides the animal treatments? What do you think it’s unethical? How do you defend the behavior or action? What should be done?
Thanks for your response.
Why** do you think it’s unethical?
Best answer:
Answer by skipper
sounds like a homework question. One unethical thing I noticed is that the director did not tell the whole story about any of the topics covered, only the facts that supported his thesis. Not that there aren’t problems with U. S. food production but he made is seem like a disaster waiting to happen. Of course it’s all just a matter of opinion but we (the U. S.) have the safest, most abundant food supply the world has EVER known. Not only do we grow enough for ourselves, but we sell some to others! For the first time in history nearly everyone is getting so much to eat the obesity is a problem. I bet the Europeans in the 1500’s would have loved that.
PhD Food Chemistry and Nutrition
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