Question by Ohai: What can be a good title for this short film?
Some classmates and I are working on making a short film for our film class. It is a 5 minute or so comedy film and it is about three burglars who are going to break into a house and steal everything they can, but everything that can go wrong WILL go wrong! They are going to try to make a “professional” burglary, instead they are going to get caught by the police and possibly be thrown in jail, while other burglars are going to jump into the loaded van with goods and drive off totally free.
The thing now is that I need to come up with a tittle for it and that’s where you guys come in. What can be a good tittle for this film? Any ideas? I will appreciate any and every answer you guys come up with. Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Keith
The Pwner Gets Pwned.
The Owner Gets Owned.
Those Who Rob Get Robbed.
What do you think? Answer below!