Question by pinkobsession123: What can I do to improve my chances at NYU/Northwestern University/University of Chicago?
It’s the summer before my senior year and I have just 4 months before I begin applying to schools, and I was wondering if any of you have any helpful advice and guidance for me? My stat’s are listed below, what are my chances of getting to NYU/Northwestern University/University of Chicago majoring in Film and Cinema Studies?
What should I do to improve my chances with my 12 week summer break?
Unweighted GPA: 3.89
Class Rank; Top 3%
ACT Composite: 26 (retaking in September)
Grades in General: 4 B’s in entire high school career
Class Choices: 95% Honors courses and IB courses
Background: Liberian American, daughter of immigrants, daughter of a refugee
4 Years of Student Government – Leadership Roles
Director of the School News Production
Student Body President of Jr.High School
Member of National Honor’s Society
Concert Choir
Internation Baccalaureate Student Ambassador
Mock Trial – Lead Attorney
Drama Club – Lead Dancer
Girl’s State Delegate
Honor’s Student, 2 Academic Letters, Award in Language B, Academic Achievement Award ’08
Editor of Literatary Magazine
Advocate for Volunteer Work: Over 250 hours with various organazitions including CEAP and Food for Life.
(in the process) Founder of the Future Filmmakers Club
Organization of the School Improvement Crew
Bruegger’s Bagels Employee- Summer ’09
ASIDE FROM THE ACT, is there anything I can to improve????.
Best answer:
Answer by DrIG
You have done extraordinarily well and are an excellent candidate for the schools above. Do prepare for the ACT and retake the test. In addition check to see if any of the colleges that you are interested in require or prefer the SAT./
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