Question by Sarah: what colleges are good to study film production?
I’m starting to do college applications and i just need more colleges to apply to that are good in what i want to study. i want to be a tv and movie producer so film production is obviously what i want to study. so far im applying to usc, ucla, nyu, columbia, boston college, and ucf. by the way i live in florida but im willing to move anywhere.
Best answer:
Answer by ownpool
The first three on your list are the only ones worth attending if you want to have any reasonable career chance in this very competitive field. However, even many of their graduates never find steady work in it. If you are not admitted to one of those three schools, find another career. The UCLA film program does not admit students until the end of the sophomore year of college and almost all who are admitted are UCLA students who have another major or an undeclared major.
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