Question by Man: What do you guys think of this movie?
My friend is an independent filmmaker and he is working on a movie called “The Color of Justice”. It is a movie about a black lawyer who defends a hispanic woman suing her workplace after getting racially and sexually harassed by her white co-workers. The odds get stacked up against the lawyer as the judge and jury are all white. In addition to this, his friends(who are black) try to discourage him from taking the case saying that he should only look out for his own people. He also gets threatened by racists whites in the town where the case is being held. But despite the ignorance of those around him he still takes the case. He also forms an emotional connection with the woman. He ends up winning the case for the woman in the end and become a couple. He is working on the script and the other details right now. Is this is a movie that you would go to see?
Best answer:
Answer by Bean
If it had a strong script it sounds like it would be a really good drama.
Not sure about them ending up as a couple in the end though – that might be a bit too corny for this type of movie.
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