Question by Danny: What does this mean? Will she message me?
I’m the kind of person who has never had a girlfriend. I’m turning 20 soon, in second year college. I haven’t had one because I didn’t feel like I was ready for one, and wasn’t confident in myself. It wasn’t till a couple months back that something snapped in my head, and I’ve been talking to many girls with ease. I’m a film student. I was walking with my friends, and I saw some first year film students filming. I went up to all 3 of them (all girls) and said, “first year?” They said yes, and I told them I was in second. One of them seemed to be excited to meet me. I introduced myself to everyone. Before I left, I said something that made them all smile. And it was about the girl who wasn’t talking much (shy). I said, “hey you should use her in your films. She’s cute.” I smiled and they all laughed and did that awww thing. A couple days later, I’m in my editing class. I saw the girl that I had called cute. She was editing too. After she finished, I said her name. She turned around and said “oh heyyyyy!” And she smiled. We ended up talking for 30-40 minutes about class, and teachers, editing, and some other stuff. I gave her hints and tips for being a first year. My friend was sitting beside me (which was annoying, but I didn’t want to be rude to him. He already has many women). Even when he talked to her, she would answer him, but then she would aim back at me. I felt like she found me interesting. I talk a lot, and my friend told me that she was probably being nice by not leaving. However, she always a response, and even continued the conversation. She also asked questions which made her so easy for me to talk too. I’ve never talked to a girl this easily. She laughed a lot too. I think this means that she didn’t mind me talking. At the end, (my friend left) I told her if you ever need help, you can email me. I gave her my email. Then I said to her, if you want to take my number too, you may have it. You can call me or text me if you want to get quick responses. I didn’t want to seem like I was hitting on her, so I said, it’s up to you, you don’t have to take it if you only need the email. When I offered my number, I think she hesitated a bit. She went a little silent, and then said, “you know what? Yes give it to me.” Maybe she was surprised. I didn’t ask for her number though. I thought it would be way too much since I’m offering to help her. She should call me if anything, But I was hoping she might call for more then just help. She thanked me a couple of times before we split up. She said thank you for everything. I gave her a final bit of advice and left. It is now 2 days later. I’m not expecting anything yet, but do you think she might message me? And I mean other than to help her. Maybe she’ll pretend that she needs help just to talk. I don’t know. What do you guys think?
Best answer:
Answer by Kelly
if she was being nice by not leaving she would have paid the same amount of attention to both you and your friend but it sounds like she was giving you more, so I think she’s in to you 🙂
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