Question by HiroD: what exactly,the role of a producer in a film-making process?
i know that a screenwriter or writer drew/develop/or simply create the storyline,plots and scenes and the director will direct those scenes on camera,impress us with every scene we watched on screen but i’m confused with the role of a producer.
what does he exactly do on the set?
Best answer:
Answer by Quin
on the set s/he will oversee everything. they are the ones who have to sell the movie more or less, so they have to make sure that the whole film turns out in a way that will please the audience.
they are also the ones who get people to invest in the film, so If for example they got someone to invest under the condition that the film stayed pg-13 they would then have to watch over the filming and editing to make sure the language was kept fairly clean and that no nipples make it to the final print.
that’s just a little of what they have to do, but basically, they are in charge of getting the money.
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