Question by Chaterboxx217: what genre would you class this film ?
I need to make a film poster and dvd cover for a film poster for my GCSE coursework, ive come up with a film idea, however im having trouble categorizing it, so here’s the film idea –
A young teenager girl who lives an ordinary life, then her parents Split up, the family starts breaking down the Girl leans on her brother for support, who then sadly passes away, the Girl feels like she has no one, and her family don’t care about her, so she runs away from home, then she meets a charming new boyfriend, who she instantly falls for, however he isn’t all he seems, he makes her completely go off the rails, by doing drugs smokey drinking ETC.
I was thinking of classing it as a romance, but if he doesn’t really care about her then its not really a romance ?
so what genre would you class it as ?
Best answer:
Answer by omz
Adventure, Romance and Drama.
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