Question by little b: What is a good college in California for an English/Writing major?
I am a senior (class of ’09). I plan to go to a junior college for my general ed, then transfer to a university of some kind, but I’m not sure which to pick. Any suggestions for in and around California?
I’d prefer one at which I could also minor in Film/Film Production, or Screenwriting.
My GPA is a 3.5, I recently took the SATs but haven’t gotten the results yet…
Best answer:
Answer by mcse2020
Absolute best English/Writing Dept in California is Berkeley and Stanford. Best film programs in general are down in SoCal. The popular JC’s I know of in the Bay Area are Foothill College and College of Marin. Marin’s hella nice with a quiet campus hidden in a lush forest off a small road but only 10 minutes from the City and E-Bay (east bay). Many aspiring filmmakers prefer UCLA and USC. Writers go to Berkeley, Stanford, Claremont, etc.
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