Question by Colt: What is B. Hussein Obama’s plan on drilling and becoming energy independent besides inflating our tires??
B. Hussein Obama remains opposed to new offshore drilling (although he now says he would accept a highly restricted version as part of a comprehensive package). Just last week, he claimed that if only Americans would inflate their tires properly and get regular tune-ups, “we could save all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling.”
This is bizarre. By any reasonable calculation of annual tire-inflation and tune-up savings, the Outer Continental Shelf holds nearly a hundred times as much oil. As for oil shale, also under federal moratorium, after a thousand years of driving with Obama-inflated tires and Obama-tuned engines, we would still have saved only one-fifth the oil shale available in the United States.
One can only imagine the astonishment and glee with which Russia’s leaders are observing Nancy Pelosi’s nearly hysterical determination to prevent the United States from developing its own oil resources, and the fecklessness of Democratic Presidential nominee B. Hussein Obama in the face of their aggression against an American ally.
I followed the Prophet’s advice and checked my tire pressure.
I know it sounds crazy, but I immediately felt better after I did it.
Now I really don’t mind paying 4 dollars a gallon because Democrats have blocked every attempt at increasing domestic oil production. Thank you Obama. To think that a tire gauge could bring me such happiness.
One can only wonder what other crises will be solved thanks to his brilliant solutions.
Darn, I’m out of Koolaid. Will have to borrow some from an Obamist…they never run out.
Obama claims to have values right out of the Kansas heartland. That might be true but for the fact that people from the heartland tend not to associate with home grown terrorists, radical preachers who hate America, and con-men. Kansas heartland values don’t include being ashamed of this country or wanting to become a “citizen of the world” (what does that even mean, anyway?). Heartland values don’t include bashing your country while abroad or choosing to work out instead of visiting soldiers who are ill. Heartland values don’t include socialism. They do include a bit of humility, something which Obama lacks.
John McCain is the American President, Americans have been waiting for. I’m not sure “what” Obama is (does anyone honestly know?) but he ain’t American. Maybe he was born here, but the buck stops there. His penchant for radicals and racism, plants him squarely in the district he has come from, in Chicago Illinois, Bobby Rush, Farrakhan, Ayers, Rev Wright….. Racial Profiling and Afrocentric Legislation….
John McCain is a true “Red Blooded American” and he would die before he would listen to such “lesser men” run down and denigrate this Great Country. But Barack Hussein Obama, loved and “sought out” their company…. It seemed as long as “Hating American” was the common thread that brought, and held, this group together… They had Barack Hussein Obama’s ear, (and) he lionized them in his books and his legislation.
Does anyone actually think that John McCain would have tolerated these radical America hating bosom buddies of Obama’s, whose thoughts and actions I’m sure would remind him of his days in the Hanoi Hilton…. Would any person who truly loves this country listen to this (trashing of her) for years, all the while drafting and crafting legislation to support their radical American hating views with tax payers money….
I say nay, nay to Barack Hussein Obama, “who” ever he is, “what” ever he is and “where” ever he is from…. Radical, Muslim, Foreigner…. (Nay)
God Bless America
Best answer:
Answer by Yo it’s Me
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