Question by otacon24051: What is the easiest and cheapest way to get equipment and information about making your own documentary?
Well, this coming summer, me and some friends are going to a convention. We have gone for several years, and each year, we always kid about bringing a camera and doing a documentary. This year, I am really bored, and feel like I know the convention well and need something to do.. soooo.. I was thinking of really doing a homemade documentary of it. I suppose I could sell it or post it online, but it’s mainly for my own entertainment and for my friends to see. I am wondering, though, what is the cheapest and/or easiest camera/microphone/tape to use? I do not have a video camera, but do not want to dish out alot of cash. And I would idealy be recording almost 100 hours of footage. How do I contain all that? Is there any tips and hints for filming a homemade for personal use only film like this? is it too much an undertaking? etc.
Best answer:
Answer by feverchant
Your best bet is ebay.
I found a Canon Hi-8
but you can probably find
a Super 8 for cheap.
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