Question by Marcus M: What kind of cameras should I use for directing short, low budget films?
I’m looking for a good decent camera to shoot short, low budget films with and was just wondering if you could give me a list of a few good decent cameras, preferably HD?? Under about £/$ 400?
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
With your low budget, you may want to rent a proper video camera. There are no broadcast quality video cameras at or under £ 400
Can we assume that you already have a script and have broken it down into a shooting script so your production will be as tight as possible? And that your intent is to eventually have 35 mm theatrical films made from the finished products?
In the States we have motion picture equipment rental shops which production companies rent the equipment they need for the week or so it takes to shoot a film.
I am sure that such a shop exists in the UK.
My guess is you will want to rent the video editing workstation too, since as you will see from this link, those workstations are rather expensive, even in USD
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