Question by sienaglamorous: What kind of college (in terms of competitiveness) is in my future & what do you recommend?
I’m a sophomore in high school and I’d like to know if I’m on the right track for attending certain schools, how to improve my chances, etc.
Last year, as a freshman, I only took 2 Honors courses (English & History). I’ve always been stronger in English than in math & science. I didn’t realize as an 8th grader that choosing all honors was important. Note: I had been in all honors classes from 1st to 8th grade.
My GPA last year, unweighted, was a 3.4, and weighted was a 3.5
This year, I am in all honors classes & my projected GPA should be around a 3.7
Question: I am a year behind in math and science. I am currently in Honors Geometry & Honors Biology, which is what most honors students take in their freshman year. Will this hurt my admission to top schools? I am not going into a math/science field, but I’m still unsure.
As for extracurriculars, I am on my school’s debate team. I started later in this year, as a novice debater and qualified for the state competition with my partner. I did not trophy, but I am taking a 1 week-long debate program at a school near my house this summer. Next year, I’ll be debating on varsity and will hopefully trophy as much as possible.
I am a part of my school’s literary magazine. The advisors also help us enter contests and get our work published. I recently entered a poetry contest, and am aiming to enter about 1 contest/publication per month. I won 1st place in an essay contest, 2nd place in a poetry contest & had a poem of mine published in middle school.
I am a member of my school’s recycling club. I actually attempted to start an environmental club last spring, and it was going great but this year, unfortunately, all of my members dropped out. Since there are no other sophomores in the club, my goal is to become VP next year and President my senior year.
I have just joined Model UN and there are also no sophomores in this club, so it seems clear that I can become President or Co-President.
I volunteer every Sunday morning with a Jewish organization called Friendship Circle. I’m basically a buddy to a special needs child in a Sunday School environment. I am going to find out how to get on the FC Teen Board. I have volunteered about 24 hours so far.
Last summer, I found an internship all by myself, when I was 14. I interned at a television & film production company and helped edit and organize for a reality show on Lifetime. I got a great recommendation.
This summer, I am attending this Leadership Institute Program at Brown University for 2 weeks. I will be taking a class called Changing Business: Becoming a Social Entrepeneur. It sounds really interesting.
I’m trying to decide between going on a service trip in a foreign country (I already have traveled quite a bit: to Brazil, France twice, England, Jamaica twice, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Ireland) or finding an internship at a non-profit or a local newspaper/magazine. Next year, I’m thinking of going to Spain for a Spanish immersion (Since I take Spanish at school and want to become fluent) and maybe going to Georgetown for 1 week for a journalism program.
While at home this summer, I will take Spanish classes, continue my guitar lessons, take SAT classes in prep for the PSAT’s this October (I may qualify for a scholarship), take tennis lessons, read a lot and maybe find a job.
Next year, I am taking 2 AP’s: AP Lang & Comp and AP US History. The rest of my classes will be Honors. For electives, I’m taking creative writing, and trying to decide between photography and communications. I’d have to be apart of the school paper if I took communications, and our paper is doing horribly… I don’t know.
So: Thoughts on whether I’m on the right track for schools such as Duke, Boston College, Tufts, Georgetown, Brown, etc, advice on what to do with my summer (to go on a trip or stay home and take classes/get an internship…go on a trip next year?), if it matters that I am not ahead in math/science, & how do my extracurriculars look? Too many, too few, what?
P.S. I’m interested in majoring in communications, journalism, environmental science, business…not positive right now.
Best answer:
Answer by micky l
your on a greart track!
you should probably bring the GPA up alot though. the average gpa for duke etc is like 4.0-5.0. if u feel like your grade is dropping due to your honors/ap, it is better to take a normal class.
could you describe your immersions and the leadership thing at brown more? that sounds incredibly interesting
you are very well qualified
perhaps you should join a sport. i find that always looks good. also, do you play an instrument?
what were your courses as a freshman. did u take anything in the summer of 8th grade going to freshman year? its important. this summer is important also.
perhaps take an summer honors class or a sport
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