Question by AuburnGuy: What kind of firm will assist in the submission process for a documentary film to a network such as PBS?
My company is trying to submit a completed documentary film to be considered for TV programming (PBS, NOVA, History Channel, etc). I’m familiar with PR firms who help promote authors to the media and such, but I want to know if anyone knows of specific firms we can consult throughout the submission process, contact networks on our behalf, guide us in creation of our proposal package, etc. All thoughts and ideas are welcome. Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by abfabmom1
I’m not familiar with the process myself, but forwarded your question to my daughter, who works for an emmy-award winning documentarian. She says:
“You are better off promoting it yourself.
They don’t necessarily like firms, since that means outside money for outside purposes.
The boss had his best success calling, and calling, and writing, and visiting, and calling some more.”
Perhaps that doesn’t answer the question directly, but I’m hoping it provides a helpful perspective.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!