Question by cyanide: What makes a ‘best film’ a best film?
I’m a freshman in highschool, in a tv/video production class. For my final my teacher has assigned a documentary i chose my topic to be “The Best Films Of All Time” and my question to you (if you don’t mind being copied/quoted) is, in YOUR OWN OPINION what makes a BEST FILM a BEST FILM?
Keep in mind, there is a set list, not just what you think is the best. so I’ll give you some examples. They are also very old videos.
*Blade Runner-1982
*Bonnie and Clyde-1967
*King Kong-1933
Please help?!
Best answer:
Answer by Joe
movies that change the way you live like with jaws, i live in mass near the ocean and still every time i step into the water i think of jaws and a shark attacing i know the odds of it happening are very slim but still it crosses my mind.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!