Question by Brian P: What precautions should I take with film equipment through security at an airport?
I am a 17 year old filmmaker who is making a documentary of my school’s choir’s trip to China. We will be on planes, trains, and all over the country, and I want to film it all. Only problem, or so I think, is going through airport security/scanners with HDV tape and my Canon VIXIA HV40. What kind of damage can be done to the tape? Will it ruin the footage/prevent me from filming? How difficult is it to get through security smoothly without them getting suspicious? It is only camera and its tape, but I’m getting worried. I have flight anxiety, but this is the trip/opportunity of a lifetime, so I will obviously suck it up. But I want to know how hard this will be/what struggles or problems will I encounter or should I suspect?
Best answer:
Answer by Wesley
make it a carry on and tell them it is a camera with film. The metal detector will ruin your film.
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