Question by aelael1982: What qualifications can help with Production Accounting?
Hi everyone. I’m a part-qualified accountant and have recently landed myself a job as a Production Accountant with a major UK TV company. I really love the position and find it really interesting and have already thought of the possibility of freelancing in larger productions (i.e. films) later down the line. Aside from finishing the typical accountancy qualifications I was wondering if anyone else may know what could help my chances in the future? Specific production courses etc? What sort of think do you need to freelance in the future etc?
Thanking you!
Best answer:
Answer by adiwsusanto
You have said it yourself, to become a specialist in certain field, it’s better if you know the field of works in greater details. Ie, a quantity surveyor in construction are currently comes from civil engineer background BUT I have an accountant friend who become one of them. He need to undergo the construction cost project course though.
Similar like yours. As you are already in the business, evolve yourself into the specialist by empowering yourself with the ‘production’ cost of a film/ tv. This way, you’re not just a financial accountant but a management accountant for whatever firm you work for.
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