Question by Sydney: What schooling is needed for making movie props?
I have seen theater and film classes are recommended, but is there a school or a program I can attend? Can you get a degree in it?
Best answer:
Answer by toasterphantom
You would likely be getting a degree in film or technical theatre. There isn’t a specific major of props, but you can concentrate in making props. You should interview each college on how much they dedicate to prop making, as some film and theatre programs glaze right over it, while others have a lot of dealing with props. (For example, New York Institute or Art admits to spending next to no time on prop-making. In contrast, Full Sail University spends a lot of time working on it).
You should work on sets too, as many things carry over. If you do one, you can likely do the other. Start making props for short films, or just as a portfolio. Then look into getting an internship. Larger cities generally have people in them who make props for a career. Write to them and ask if you could internship with them. You’ll gain knowledge, make contacts, and break into the industry.
The film world needs many prop people, so you’re in luck. Make sure you talk to the colleges and see how they handle props! Good Luck.
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