Question by wbadbada: What should I do to get into film school?
I’m currently taking all the APs and Honors classes i can to get my GPA as high as possible. I’m currently taking part in my school’s music program for about 3 years now and going for all 4 by the time I graduate.
I can’t fit another other classes such as film-making or acting or stage production. So, in my spare time I like to write screenplays without them actually being produced. Or if I’m out of inspiration, I tend to watch random movies I browse on TV. What else can I do during my free time to prepare for college?
Best answer:
Answer by Nyx
Don’t go to film school, its a useless major, if you want to work in entertainment you go to Hollywood and find jobs through networking. Major in something practical in case your film career doesn’t work out.
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