Question by Dana: what should i get my brother for his 21st birthday?
he is in film school.. loves movies–but works at a video store and can rent anything for free, own almost every movie.. umm i could get him a video camera–a nice one..but my mom said to wait out to see if he needs a specific one for school… he has a digital camera already.. he has a laptop already (he wants a mac, but i dont have THAT type of money..
im his 16 year old sister.. i have a few thousand saved up and i could use as much as i want, but i need some suggestions for some girls to get him that maybe arent soo much money but mean a lot .. from the heart. i cant think of anything. im horrible at coming up with stuff. i know i can always resort to money if i have to, but please any suggestions will help. thanks
Best answer:
Answer by C.M.
Your such a nice sister.
Is he a Leo? Well they are very picky, but they love to receive things they have always wanted or has been talking about. Have he been mentioning anything hes always wanted? Anything that he enjoys or favors? Think about it, only you will know whats best since you know him more then us. You should def get him a b day card telling him how much you appreciate him as a brother, thats a starter.
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