Question by ludaman14: What should I Major in? I need advice!!?
I’m a freshman in college and currently am an undecided major. I am debating between two majors right now; electrical engineering and film. I know that Electrical Engineering should be the obvious choice because there are more job opportunities in that field, and a job is basically assured after college. But then, I love film. I love movies. I enjoy making up my own stories, trying to create characters in my head. Write down some dialogue for them and imagine it playthrough. I always wonder what an audiences reaction would be like if I were to actually take a camera, get some actors, myself even, and MAKE some sort of short film. But I have never had the chance to due to lack of money and equipment. And now I am in college. I am an undecided major, so therefore I am not taking any film making class because people keep telling me that I won’t be successful in it, and that it doesn’t assure me a job. But I don’t want to pass off the opportunity. I want to try it out. I will sign up for a film making class next semester because I really want to see how I do in something that I actually am interested in. Maybe I have a hidden talent and it needs to be pushed out, maybe I’ll be successful. Who knows? But then, what if I am not?
This is where I need help. Should I major in Electrical Engineering? I am OK at math and all that, but the idea that i’m going to have to DO mathwork annoys me and I don’t find it appealing. I won’t enjoy it and will not give it my all. However, I feel something when it comes to film. I feel that I could be good at it. But then there’s the reality check that always comes to mind. Which do I choose?
BTW!! I enjoy computers, I enjoy fixing things and working with my hands. I enjoy taking them apart and upgrading them. I do it, even without knowing, I learn and it sticks with me. Should I do something with that? What majors offer something like that? Also, Video Games. I love video games. I don’t know about making them though, would it be fun to do? What major do I take to learn that? Please give me some advice. I will greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by jwong71091
If you want information on deciding which career to pursue then here are some resources that you might find to be helpful
You should speak to your school counselor or stop by your local library…they may have many resources available such as books, DVDs, website, pamphlets, and etc. to help you decide which career path to take
A website you might find to be very helpful is the one at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics which has lots of information for careers such as the nature of the work, educational and training requirements, wages, estimated job outlook, and etc.
Computer occupations
Motion Picture and Video Industries
Video game design
They also recommend careers for certain subjects….for example if you are interested in computers then here are a list of careers that you might be interested in pursuing also lots of career information and is designed to be used by elementary and middle school students
You also can contact their office at the above website to see if they have any other information and resources for the career that you are interested in has many good video tutorials for PC Repair and Computer Networking:
Mr. Messer is a computer repair expert and you can contact him at the above website to get advice on how to become a computer repair or networking technician
I hope this will help!
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