Question by Yazon: What software doesn a proffesional filmmaking studio like Warner Bros. or DreamWorks using?
I want t obuy a software for editing. i want to edit my movies as a proffesional so I need some great software….can you tell me what are Hollywood pros are using for editing their highly aclamed films?
Best answer:
Answer by Kevin k
I don’t know if you could afford the professional movie grade stuff, but there is an editing machine called Casablanca which is pretty good for video. The last time I checked (almost 10 years ago), price tag was about $ 1000 for almost everything you could possibly need. Talk to videographers (the people who video tape weddings, dance recitals, etc) to find out what they are using and if they know a rep for Casablanca in your area.
There are also some video editing products for the PC and Mac, try to find one that fits your demands. The nice thing is that these programs are relatively cheap in comparison to the professional grade stuff. You might want to check with your local camera stores to see if they carry the software.
If worse comes to worst, find a production studio in your area and rent their equipment. This will be really expensive, so try other methods first.
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