Question by top-dog92: What subjects do I need to study film?
I am a high school student (in 9th Grade), and my subject choices for Grades 10-12 are coming up soon.
I want to go into the film industry (and probably study at a film school or unoversity), specifically focusing on film editing. II currently take Drama and will continue with it, and watch a lot of films and study them. I have entered a few editing competitions and practice editing whenever i get a chance.What subjects would I need, if any, to be able to study film at university or a film school? Whats advisable?
Best answer:
Answer by Alicia
This is horrible, I first read part of your question as “I entered a few eating competitions.” I was trying to figure out what that had to do with film, and then thought you could make a movie about eating lots of bananas or something… haha.
Now, I’m not in the film industry, but I think the following subjects would help you out:
–Writing. I am not sure if your English classes incorporate a lot of writing, but a composition/research writing class will not only help you in college, but will also help you know about strengths and weaknesses of plots. Likewise, a creative writing class can help you in the same way, but in a more unrestrained way.
–English/Literature. Again, you will learn about strengths and weaknesses of plots. You can rip apart stories and look for symbolism. Why are certain things included in stories? What does _______________ mean?
–Drama. You will go over acting techniques. Mayber there is a tech class at your school where you can learn about some other “behind the scenes” elements. Also, don’t forget about school plays!
–Art/Photography. Hopefully your school offers a photography class. Here, you can learn about different angles, lighting, shadows, and etc.
–Humanities. In here, you can learn about how humans live out the human experience. Art, philosophy, religion, and history are all things that are discussed. Chockful of symbolism you can potentially throw in any sort of creative project.
–Psychology. This is always a good class to have, and can help you out with character development.
–Speech/Public Speaking. You can learn techniques of speaking in large groups, projection of voice, etc. I can’t exactly tell you how this would be helpful, but think about this.
–Film. Pretty obvious. If your school is fortunate enough to have a film class… take it! Whether it’s a class where you actually film or a survey course where you watch movies and discuss them at length, it will be helpful.
Like I mentioned, theater might be something good to be involved with. Does your school have a Film Club? If not, maybe you can start one–gather some students/friends who have similar interest, get a cool, artsy teacher to be your advisor and lots of popcorn, and you have an instant Film Club!
Good luck!
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