Question by Someone Special: What would be a good Documentary to study?
I am looking for a good documentary to study for an English assignment.
I will need to discuss my chosen documentary in detail, in terms of the way the issue is represented. I must examine the ways in which the documentary positions viewers on the issue.
I would like to do a Michael Moore documentary, but I can not do Fahrenheit 9/11.
Would ‘Sicko’ or ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ be a good choice?
Best answer:
Answer by the old dog
There was a meeting in Wansee Germany and the secretary who took the notes of the meeting was instructed to destroy the notes at the conclusion of the meeting. She didn’t.
As a result some forty or forty five years later they came to light and the notes eventually made the script for a Documentary/Movie called “The Wansee Conference”.
Try to find the original “German Movie” and then take it from there.
It is the most horrific film I’ve ever seen in my life. It outranks Alien, or Freddie Kruger, or any Stephen King novel for sheer horror. It does that by facts; the fact is that the meeting was of the German high command to figure out a way to transport and kill millions of men and women in the most economical manner. The result of the meeting was the “Holocaust”; and that was the real horror. A horror no fictitious character in any book or movie could equal.
It could be considered a documentary because the script was taken from the notes of the actual meeting “verbatim”! It is horrifying to hear and watch a group of grown men who were raised in a “supposedly” Christian like atmosphere give evil it’s due by the ‘matter of fact’ business of the meeting. It curdles the heart to hear what was spoken, how they argued over details, and that one of them was more concerned about his dog being sick than he was about the coming death of so many of God’s children. The Jews, the gypsies, the homosexuals, the political prisoners, the polish people, the mentally retarded; all suffered as a result of this infamous meeting.
The Wansee Conference. See if you can get a hold of that one. Although the original is spoken in German it does have translation in English on the film.
It would be a docu/drama that would very likely have an effect on your English class.
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