Question by strichard22: what would be some good college choices for me?
i have a 3.8 gpa going into my sophomore year of high school, and i haven’t taken any college entrance tests yet but i had a perfect score on my social studies pre-sat. what do you think would be some good colleges to consider? i like big cities and/or places with beaches and that are warm all year. i’d also like to go to a school with good, division I athletics because that will probably be my main form of entertainment. and being close to home would also be an attractive quality but not an absolute must; I live in St. Louis, MO. And I’d like to study in the field of film/tv production, or maybe journalism, and I’d also like to take some education (teaching) classes as a minor. What do you think would be good schools to consider? And please don’t say “What an idiot you are for letting people pick your college on yahoo answers”, because i don’t want you to pick it, i just want some ideas.
Best answer:
Answer by Christopher S
Northwestern is near a big city (Chicago), has Division I athletics and has a very, very good communications program.
Other schools to look at…Mizzou, Syracuse, Southern Cal
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