Question by Klam: What would be the best film school for production/directing/ project/creativity oriented interests?
I’m looking at film schools and im trying to find the best one for me. somewhere that will help me and that teaches the way i learn. i work best with a project oriented curriculum and im interested in directing. i really want somewhere that isn’t only focused on big budget productions and the mainstream film industry.
so far i have:
London Film School
california institute of the arts
university of southern california
and i was looking at vancouver, but it looks like they only have a one year production course and it doesn’t seem to be focused on the stuff i wanna do too much :/
what do you people of the world think?
Best answer:
Answer by Elisabeth
For film, it’s all about location, but you seem to have figured that out.
Out of all of those, I think USC has the most to offer. A lot of great filmmakers have graduated from there, and plus students get to work on Hollywood sets for internships. Sounds pretty cool!
You should check out my blog, it’s all about high school and college students who are trying to make career decisions:
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