Question by griffindor_grl: Whats a good movie to write a paper on?
I have to write a paper for a film class about any movie I want, and write about whatever aspect of it I want. The assignment is so vague I’m having trouble picking a topic. Any suggestions would be appreciated!!
Quote from the assignment: “You may write on any of the films or topics covered in class or a film of your own choosing. Perhaps you want to discuss the film’s meaning or analyze the details of narration, editing, or a particular motif?”
Best answer:
Answer by Lex
I LOVE the classic movie, “Strangers on a Train.” Two men who meet randomly on a train agree (though one isn’t serious and is humouring the other guy) that they’ll kill the destructive person in the others life so that it appears to be random. LOTS of subtext and a great movie for a really good paper.
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