Question by Grayson: What’s some good music to use for a scientific documentary?
I’m making a documentary on genetic engineering and am looking for piano and/or strings music to go in the backround without any vocals.
I’ve found a few websites with good music except you have to pay, which I don’t really want to do.
So yeah, any ideas?
Best answer:
Answer by Greg R (The R is for Reverent)
The only way you’ll get “free” music is through using a public domain recording and those will probably be nearly exclusively old 78RPM era stuff with lots of hiss and other noise. (Copyrights expire after 80 years unless the copyright holder renews them.)
You might want to check out artists like Patrick O’Hearn, Suzanne Ciani, David Lanz and Andreas Vollenweider to name a few but you WILL have to pay for use of their stuff.
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