Question by missfan: What’s the difference between an entertainment company and a production company?
You know how in some movies its says _________ entertainment presents a ___________ production and a __________ film.
Best answer:
Answer by Nikxatrix
Well an entertainment company is a company which manufactures entertainment…..meaning it produces products (movies, theatrical drama, talk shows, tv programmes, music, games or any other medium of entertainment).
Lets take movies for example….an entertainment movie picks up the rights for the best selling novel to make a movie out of it. It buys the rights, it shortlists the director, the screenplay writer, the lead actors and stuff. It finances the movie. It distributes the movie to the market available.
Now the entertainment company gives of the production of the film (organizing of the shoot of the film to delivering the tapes of the film) to a production house. Prod house then looks for venues for shoots,coordinates between various actors, looks for extras, looks for the props, sets up the sets, gets all shoot equipment in place according to the instructions recd by director, cinematographer, sound recordists etc, organizing refreshments, getting permissions, getting schedules in place etc) basically it does the on ground activities in the budget given to them.
Its like walmart marketing a wet tissue with its own label on it but the manufacturing of the label done by another a 3rd party which get a conversion margin on the product.
The production house have various kinds of expertise levels and depending on that the production values of the film varies. An entertainment company could have its own production house too….to have a better control on costs. Sometimes the director the entertainment company wants to work with have their own preferences on production houses because of previous experience. Hence the entertainment company leaves to the director to decide with whom the director wants to.
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