Question by StephanieM: What’s your ‘dream job’? and do you think you’ll end up working in it? if not – why?
I recently got my ‘dream job’ to come true, owning my own film production company and a studio… i met with some people who said that they will never have their dream job, and i am curious as to why? why settle for a 9-5 job that you hate? instead of taking the risk and going after your dream job? – what do you think?
Best answer:
Answer by Ring0Rosie
I think some of the reasons include:
– unrealistic dreams
– just don’t have the ‘talent’
– not willing to do the work to get education/training/work their way up
– no access to resources like the education necessary to write business proposals or access to funds to start their own business
– poor life decisions (like ruining their credit or having unprotected sex and ending up with a kid)
I worked hard to get my dream job too. It required a LOT of sacrifice and I am sure you experienced the same. I had to move out of state and leave all my friends and family to pursue my dreams. Some people are not independent enough to get out there and do that.
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