Question by Molly H: When i use my lighting for short films, everyone’s faces get washed out! Help?
I use a pretty good video camera, and a paint light to make the lighting of my green screen even. It works well, but everyone’s faces are washed out by the light! I’ve tried putting it behind them, but then the light isnt spread out evenly!
Do you have any advice on how to fix it, or a link to a better type of lighting?
Best answer:
Answer by Dani G
It’s hard to get even illumination with just one light source. A paint light is cheap, but it’s also very harsh. You need some kind of diffuser: try hanging a white bed sheet in front of it. Also, dont’t be afraid to experiment with the placement of the light. You can also use a reflector to even out some the uneven lighting. A piece of white foam core works very well in this role. The point is that your light isn’t bolted down. Don’t be afraid to experiment !
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