of the Washington Times and United Press International Arnaud de Borchgrave, Professor of Politics at San Francisco University Stephen Zunes, South Africa’s Minister for Intelligence Ronnie Kasrils, Journalist and filmmaker John Pilger, The BBC News Service , French intellectual and journalist Professsor Jules Regis Debray and trenchant anti- Zionist critics Assistant Professor Norman Finkelstein, Israeli historian Ilan Pappe and Jeff Halper.
John Pilger shows how his thinking has actually been influenced by such propaganda when he writes:
“Shortly after it was founded in 1948, Israel controlled, mostly as a result of a United Nations partition and partly by force, a total of 78 per cent of historic Palestine…During the Six-Day War in 1967, the Israelis occupied the remaining 22 per cent of Palestine. Today, the Palestinians, seeking to form their own