Question by Natalija N: Which are the best acting for film schools/academy in LA?
I want to know which are the best acting for film schools/academies in LA that can be good path for future jobs? I am interested in 1-year program.
P.S. Please, only serious answers
Best answer:
Answer by Theatre Doc
Tony Barr;s Film Actors Studio, Eric Morris Studio,or Clay Banks Film Acting Studio, but school is not a path to employment, except on the lucky occasion that someone in the industry is there and likes you and takes you with him to a job., What you need is a great resume and head shot and demo reel. Unless you have the extraordinary ability and personality to be a pro, a year of school is not much help. Talent cannot be taught. And most schools will want you to be there two years. I recomend well chosen, individual classes over year long or longer programs.
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