Question by imjustamaverick: Who offers the best film course?
There are lots of Film making courses out there which is the best, NYFA, SAE, Vancouver Film School or should I go down the a more formal route and do a uni/college course. These course aren’t cheap and I want to do the right one. I’m 28 and live in the UK, but I am willing to study abroad. Any help or suggestions would be greatly received. Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by luke p
Hi, I’m looking for a film course, and i’ve done a lot of research too.
I have been down and had at look at SAE London and MetFilm school in Ealing. To be honest I think SAE is quite technical compared to MetFilm or NYFA. MetFilm in Ealing is actually based inside the ealing studios lot, and the ealing area is very nice (SAE area is actually quite bad). Plus the courses seem top notch, with tearchers who are active in the film industry. I seriously recommend paying a visit to the uni or college your thinking of going to to get a better idea of what they offer.
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