Question by RickRude46: Why are black women crazy and rude..For no reason?
Okay, I’ll start like this. I’m a decent Black male who loves black women, to death I might add. But something has gone terribly wrong in my eyes! Why do today’s black women act like they have to be “She-Hulk” or something? and for no aparent reason? Check it out, I have had nothing but the worst relationships with black women. Either selfish, angry, or just too independent for you [I hate lil boosie for making that song]. and they will tell you, “I don’t need you!” a million times, again, for no reason. Your supposed to be independent, I pay my own bills! Anyway, for some reason nowadays, some black women are “too good” for a respectful black man. They rather be portrade as being over-sexed women on the covers of KING, SMOOTH, SHOW, and of course, Blackmen magazine. To me, they are killing the life of the black women that truly do have values to themselves. As far as those magazines go, do the creators even care about who see’s this? I mean, are they promoting to the other young girls in the neighborhood that this type of stuff is okay? Is that modeling? I know you can model your body, but not for a whole damn magazine! I love the shape of a black woman, but now it’s getting too perverted. I am a filmmaker in DC, and i just had a discussion with a female actress that I am working with. We have good business relationship and I respect her to the utmost. We just had a phone conversation about what we are filmin this upcoming weekend, and jokingly , told her that the video taped popped and we are going to have to film everything all over, [and we play around from time to time] She decides to get angry at me, and curse me…then hangs up on me…the whole time I didn’t argue with her, i just listened to what she said. Why did she hang up on me? Obviously, she doesn’t have any respect for me! I call her back and let her know I was playing, and the tape was fine, i ask her why did she hang up on me….do you know she said,”I shouldn’t be playing around with her” and “I’m immature” huh? What for? Why? Then they wonder why we date outside our race. We don’t have time for that needless B.S. How can you give respect and get none back? Makes no sense to me. Its going on now to where I hear my friends, that normally date black women, prefer to date women of another race. Its sad. Why are they turning black men away? I didn’t do what the other guy did to you, so why me? why should i feel your rath..or any other man? Black women are even unapproachable now, and from what I see, the majority are lesbians. What is the problem?
Best answer:
Answer by Ion Square
I completely agree with your whole arguement and I only read the first sentence.
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