Question by Awesoma Powa: Why are there Hollywood filmmakers that still makes asians look bad?
I’m an Asian American and I’ve noticed since 2008, there seems to be a recent surge of American films and upcoming films like The Last Airbender, 21, Dragonball Evo, The Weapon, King of Fighters, Extraordinary Measures, new Genghis Kan with Mickey Rourke etc, that assuredly have Asian characters but did not have them cast for the leads. This really bothers me, because these filmmakers are benefiting from discrimination even Asian filmmakers like M. Night Shyamalan. Asian filmmakers like Shyamalan and Dragonball Evo director James Wong (even though they’re Asian) don’t seem to care about representing Asians fairly….they’ve actually made things worse. Will there ever be a leading Asian man in Hollywood except the ones from overseas like Jackie Chan and Jet Li? Why are Asians cast in just Asian roles? Why aren’t there more films like Harold and Kumar, not that I like stoner comedies, but still it showed Americans Asians can be cool (and get women too) and can be just as American as anyone one else regardless of their race. Will American women ever find Asian men attractive besides the ones that have Asian fetish or the ones that grew up experiencing the Asian culture and people? I understand it’s about market acceptance to make money and Hollywood filmmakers can do whatever they want, but still, I just don’t understand why whenever you see an Asian character, they’re usually one dimensional characters that are either sidekicks, villains, or marginalized characters for comedy relief. The only Asian heros I see are karate experts, period pieces or in independent films that nobody watches. I wish Kato in the new Green Hornet movie didn’t speak with an Asian accent, but I’m still going to see it regardless (I rather see stereotypes than not at all). I don’t want to make it seem like everything is negative for Asians in American media, because you’re starting to see more Asians in TV shows but majority of the American entertainment, Asians are still not represented. There was an article with John Cho, and he feels things certainly have gotten better for Asians in the American entertainment industry….but they’re not where it should be. Please no jokes when commenting.
I’m sorry if I sound a little bias, I understand other minority groups have not been represented fairly either. I just feel even if it’s a minor role like in the movie Grandma’s boy, there was an Asian actor that was portrayed like an American (rather than an Asian person with foreign accent) and I applaud the filmmakers for doing that when they didn’t have to cast a minority. I wish there were more American films like this where Asians are seen as Americans….even if it’s a minor role, it’s at least something.
Best answer:
Answer by anti cyrus
They make all non whites look bad, not just Asian.
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