Question by wilderness♥babiiii: WHY do these indie films seem so fake?
To become a more experienced actress, I have decided to audition for roles in some (very) local indie films. So I’ve been watching some of these films and their trailers lately and they just seem so fake to me. I was wondering if anybody else finds this when watching local indie films. Why is this so? Obviously, I guess it must be that the acting isn’t great, correct? But even when I feel like the actors are doing an okay job, it’s still not believable.
I know that local filmmakers cannot afford big expensive cameras and such, so the camera quality isn’t amazing. Could that be why it’s fake to me? I’ve always noticed that soap operas seem fake to me, greatly due to the lower visual camera quality. Could this also be the case with these films?
I’m sorry if I’m making no sense. I’m doing my best to describe what I mean but it’s hard. If this doesn’t make much sense, sorry. 🙂
P.S. – By the way, I’m not trying to diss indie films or anything. I’ve seen great ones. It’s just these local ones I’ve watched recently…
Best answer:
Answer by Patrick D
I completely understand what you’re saying, but without having seen the films in question, it’s difficult to cite specific issues. There are a number of factors that can/will render a film implausible, but every aspect is subjective. What one finds problematic, another may find quaint or distinctive. It’s a matter of taste.
Script: I find the problem with most amateur productions is the script. Too many fledgling writers write what comes to mind without thinking about how it sounds when said aloud. If the writing follows thought processes rather than speech patterns, exchanges can come off as forced and/or disjointed.
Acting: If you have someone over (or under) acting, they’ll ruin the film. There’s no way around it. This goes along with the point concerning scripting. It’s downright painful when someone tries to sell a line they can’t deliver.
Plot: Impractical interpretations or odd/out-of-character responses can defer a viewer’s reaction. Does the story make sense? Do you feel the characters acted/reacted appropriately in situations presented in the film?
Camera: I think camera quality is the least off-putting aspect of indie (or low budget) films. If everything else works, low quality camera work is forgivable. Conversely, if everything else (plot, acting, what have you) does not work, superior visuals will not save a movie (i.e. The Spirit).
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