Becoming a wildlife rehabilitator is often based on an interest in animals, with most training learned on the job. Learn how to become a wildlife rehabilitator with tips from an animal care manager and wildlife rehabilitator in this free video on career information. Expert: Bettina Bowers-Schwan Contact: Bio: Bettina Bowers-Schwan is the animal care manager and wildlife rehabilitator at Walden’s Puddle, the only professionally-staffed wildlife and rehabilitation facility in Tennessee. Filmmaker: Dimitri LaBarge
Becoming a heart surgeon, or cardiac surgeon, requires the typical medical doctor training followed by several years in a surgical residency and several more years in a cardiac fellowship. Learn about becoming a heart surgeon withtips from a medical administrator in this free video on career information. Expert: Mark MacBayne Bio: Mark MacBayne, with a Master of Public Health degree, is a practice manager at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. Filmmaker: Bing Hu
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