On Saturday, March 29, 2008, the New York City’s Mayor’s Office of Film, Theatre and Broadcasting presented “Women in Entertainment Production,” a panel discussion at Hunter College that conferred on career opportunities for women in the entertainment industry. The panel was moderated by Associate Commissioner Julianne Cho, followed by a Q&A session. The panelists were comprised of female executives in New York City’s entertainment industry and included Laurie Rich, Executive in Charge of Production at MARTHA, Alex Duda, Executive Producer at The Tyra Banks Show, Allison Silverman, Executive Producer at the Colbert Report, Winsome Sinclair, Casting Director for such films as Black Snake Moan and Inside Man, and Amy Sewell, Independent Film Producer for the films Mad Hot Ballroom and What’s the Point, Honey. For more information on this panel and future panels, visit www.nyc.gov

The film is about the development of a test kit for detection of the avian flu virus by German biotech company Qiagen. The film production has been initiated by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The film is part of a DVD that can be ordered for free at www.biotechnologie.de